Friday 30 November 2012

MRI Scan...

Today was my last hospital appointment until after Christmas and I spent it in the radiology department having an MRI Scan. I wasnt that nervous about this one as I thought it would just be laying down in a tunnel for a little while.  The only part that scared me was the unknown injection of dye that I knew I would be getting. When it comes to injections I am fine getting a cannula, they hurt a little but I can get over that and I'm happy knowing I dont have to keep having needles, but for this i wasn't sure if a cannula was an option.  For anyone who is having an MRI and is hoping I will say something good about it like 'it was fine!' stop reading now! I would hate to put fear into someone like I have had done on some Crohns blogs but honestly, I thought the whole thing was awful. 
It started with a half 8 appointment which I couldn't eat or drink anything for 6 hours before, that part was fine as I wasn't hungry anyway. When we arrived the nurses were lovely, I was allowed to keep all my clothes on as they didn't have any metal or zips (so wear leggings if you can instead of jeans and try to wear a jumper). Then it got unpleasant. I was given a big jug of liquid to drink which was a warm thick consistency and was told to drink it In 45 mins. The first cup was fine but after that it became undrinkable and I found myself heaving back into cup. I only managed half and although the nurses were unsure that it was enough the MRI went ahead fine anyway. I was taken into a room where they went through a list of questions which could prevent me from going any further like have you had heart surgery etc. I answered no to all except one which was about intimate piercings. I have my belly done and I did have a ring in my ear which were fine to take out, however I also have had my nipple pierced since march and still can't get it out. It is very much stuck. They warned me about the chances of it heating up and even said they had a belly bar burn someone before but I didn't really have a choice but to go in anyway. 
The machine is smaller than I thought but still very intimating and not comfy to lay on. They did some test scans first to see where the liquid was but saw it wasn't down enough so I had to go to the toilet and walk around for abit. When I went back the test began. Although they give you headphones the noise is extremely loud and pulsing and very scary when you are in a small space. The space really is tiny, the roof of the scanner is right infront of your eyes. All I could think about was the injection and the piercing which made me upset and the whole process a lot worse. After a few tests they took me out and inserted a cannula (massive relief!) which calmed me down, I could also lay on my front which meant I couldn't see the ceiling. I was given some dye injections and a muscle relaxant and told it might make my eyes bit funny after which sure enough it did, I couldn't see infront of me! After the cannula was removed I was allowed to leave but it has been a bad day and I've felt unwell for most of it. I hope this hasn't scare anyone and looking back I could have had worse things done but if I had to choose I would have a colonoscopy any day!

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